The Worship Leader is to prepare the congregation to receive the Holy Scriptures developing a threshold by which the people may corporately come before The Holy God to worship and to praise Him.
1. Lead worship song service whenever church is being held.
2. Select all songs, poems, readings and testimonies for each service.
3. Print Sunday am/pm music/song list by Thursday of each week to be distributed to keyboardist, band and singers.
4. Create and distribute monthly, a schedule for musicians and singers for specials.
5. Develop a worship team.
6. Designate rehearsal times, as needed.
7. Oversee/coordinate with the Technical Department (Sound, video, Facebook, etc.)
8. Recruit, audition, train and place musicians/singers.
9. As being led by the Holy Spirit, build upon the traditions of Calvary Baptist Church and have a vision for the development for the music program for a growing congregation.
10. Working in cooperation with the Pastor to coordinate songs that would coincide with his messages.
11. Access of the office computer for ministerial needs is available.
12. Attend scheduled Council meetings.
13. Work as directed by Senior Pastor.
If you are interested, reach out to Pastor Dean Penzo at penzodw@aol.com