About El Bethel Baptist Church
Address: 9432 Alabama Highway 27, Chancellor, AL, 36316
Website: http://elbethelbaptist.org/
Brief History:
El Bethel Baptist Church was founded in 1880. The campus includes a sanctuary, fellowship hall, kitchen, children’s wing, youth room, bible study rooms, basketball court and playground. Staff members currently include a Minister of Youth, Ministry Assistant, Minister of Music, Minister of Children. El Bethel has an average Sunday attendance of 175 and a Wednesday attendance of 90.
Our Mission: We, the members of El Bethel Baptist Church, the baptized believers in Jesus Christ, are determined to honor and glorify God in everything we do. We will ensure that all our endeavors teach the redemptive powers of Jesus Christ, through His shed blood, and help in the discipling, teaching, and following of Him, for every member. We want our service to God to be a ministry of love to an unbelieving world and an example in His community.
Job Description
Principal Function: Proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ to believers and unbelievers; engages in pastoral care ministries; provides administrative leadership in all areas of church life; leads the church to determine its mission and move toward the attainment of its mission. Lead the church in discipleship to grow the church in proclaiming the gospel and to maintain church health that glorifies God.
Responsible To: Church, with active Board of Deacons as liaison.
1. Preaching and Worship Service: Plans and conducts all worship services in collaboration with ministerial and additional staff as needed, using standard church policies as a guide. Prepares and delivers sermons. Equips, motivates, and nurtures the local body through example and by preaching and teaching God’s Word.
2. Pastoral Care for Church Members and Nonmembers who attend church services regularly by managing a visitation schedule involving the ministerial staff as follows:
a. Visits on an as needed or requested basis. Visits those who are shut-in at home and in nursing homes at least once per month.
b. Hospital Visitation: Visits and prays with the hospital patients and/or family on a daily basis for the more serious cases. For other illnesses/injuries, makes an initial visit in a timely manner and follows up daily with a visit or phone call. Notifies chairman of deacons and the patient’s Sunday School teacher of the hospitalization.
c. Bereavement: Visits the family of the deceased to offer support and prayer and to make preliminary arrangements for the funeral (or memorial) service to be held at the church or the funeral home, as requested by the family. Makes follow-up visits before and after the service according to the perceived needs of the family.
3. Ministry Growth: Works with outreach ministries to develop and implement plans for ministry and church growth. As part of the responsibility, reviews visitors’ cards from each Sunday’s service. Writes visitors/guests a personal letter expressing our appreciation of having them join us in worship. Schedules a pastoral visit upon request.
4. Visitation, Planning and Doctrine: Provides for the initial vision and planning for all pastoral areas of responsibility and coordinates implementation with the active board of deacons.
5. Prayer Ministries: Prays consistently for the needs of the congregation. Oversees regular and special prayer meetings. Devotes significant time to personal prayer and Bible Study.
6. Church Unity: Works with the active board of deacons and other church leaders in effectively resolving local church conflicts with the goal of reconciling relationships and promoting unity of the body.
7. Plans for and leads in all church ordinances ensuring they are scheduled and observed in a timely manner and/or in accordance with church guidelines.
8. Provides marriage counseling and performs weddings at the discretion of the pastor and the active board of deacons.
9. Works with deacons, church officers, teachers, and committees helping them to obtain desired goals by providing guidance and advice.
10. Serves as the chief administrator and supervisor of paid church staff.
11. If the Senior Pastor chooses to serve as moderator, the nominating committee shall present him to the church as moderator along with one other individual as vice moderator, following Robert’s Rules of Order.
12. Cooperates with associational, state, and denominational leaders in matters of mutual interest and concern.
13. Provides information as needed and in a timely manner for the preparation of the weekly church bulletin.
14. Maintains proper care of the pastorium and pastorium lawn.
15. Notifies the Chairman of the Deacons when inaccessible by phone.
16. Consults with the active deacon board prior to committing visiting pastors/speakers.
17. Maintains confidentiality of all personal information, confessions, etc. shared during counseling unless otherwise requested by the counselee.
18. Other Assignments: Accepts the addition or modification of assignments as agreed upon by the deacons and/or approved by the church body and as led by the Lord for the growth of the ministry.
General Understanding: First priority will be given to the ministry of El Bethel Baptist Church. Other church, associational, state, and national opportunities will be approved by the church, and then, to the greater progress of the Gospel beyond the local church opportunities. Conferences, conventions, and seminars for the continued education will be coordinated with the Deacon body and/or other staff.
a. Must be above reproach with a testimony of Godliness and aversion to sin (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6)
b. He must be the husband of one wife and faithfully devoted to her (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6). Neither he nor his wife having been divorced with the exception of a biblical divorce (Mat 19:9, Mat 5:32 – sexual immorality and adultery and/or 1 Cor 7:15 – unbelievers’ abandonment).
c. He must be sober-minded, self-controlled and respectable (1 Timothy 3:2)
d. He must be able to teach in sound doctrine and rebuke those who contradict it (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:9)
e. He must have a peaceable spirit and a dislike for quarrels and verbal arguments (1 Timothy 3:3)
f. He must not illicit sinful conduct or insubordination (Titus 1:6)
g. He must manage his own household with dignity (1 Timothy 3:4)
h. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered (Titus 1:7)
i. His children must be believers and not in open rebellion (1 Timothy 3:4, Titus 1:6)
j. He must not be a new convert (1 Timothy 3:6)
k. He must be a man about whom people outside the church say, "He is a good Christian man." (1 Timothy 3:7)
Additional Qualifications:
a. Bachelor’s degree (or willingness to obtain further education) is preferred.
b. Displays a love for God.
c. Positive and energetic.
d. Team player who works well with others.
e. Innovative, self-starter, able to come up with new ideas.
f. Ability to coordinate and lead a large group of volunteers.
g. Good communicator (written and public speaking skills).
h. Good organizational skills and manages time wisely.
i. Strong leadership skills.
j. If married (preferably) his wife will have a willingness to fully support and attend all worship ministry activities within a reasonable ability to do so (i.e., family is priority).
The successful candidate will have demonstrated, and continue to demonstrate, the fruits of the Spirit as found in Galatians 5:22-26 as well as the requirements of overseers as found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
If you are interested, reach out to Jason Thrash at 334-726-2331 or , ebbcsearchteam27@gmail.com